Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Artist

(Go to full size to watch the trailer)

Tay's Rating- :D :D :D :

Interesting facts: -There is not a single 'zoom shot' in the entire movie because Zoom technology did not exist in the movie's time period.
-Jean Dujardin became the first ever French actor to win a Best Actor Academy Award when he won an Oscar for this film.
-All the dancing sequences were performed by the actors themselves through heavy rehearsals.
-This movie is considered to be the most ever awarded French Film in film history.
-The first Academy Award Best Picture winner to be presented in a 4:3 aspect ratio since Marty (1955) won this Oscar fifty-six years earlier.- Jean Dujardin said in an interview that the movie was shot in just 35 days.-The first spoken word of the film is 'Cut' whilst the final spoken word is 'Action'.
-Peppy Miller (Bérénice Bejo) does not have an audible spoken line - despite being the talking movie star.

Review: This film The Artist was an “Americanized silent movie” I would call it. It was an interesting concept to do a modern version. If I saw this film before this class, this is what I would say. I have seen silent movies before. I noticed a few traits from the silent movies have in The Artist. Also in The Artist have a few traits of modern filmmaking. The cast and the story were interesting.
            The way it was filmed was used by a modern film camera. At the editing process, it was edited heavily because of the black and white also the slightly out of focus filter like the silent movies have. The Artist added the same lighting technique the silent films used. It was the harsh hard lighting. But some parts had soft lighting too.

            The cast was interesting because it had some American actors and some foreign actors. John Goodman was one of the American actors. Jean Dujardin is a French actor. It had the mixture which made it interesting. The story plot was a mixture of a typical silent movie and a touch of modern Hollywood story.

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